Keith Harvey writes:
“There will be an updated version of the Members Pathway from UGLE that will go live in the late summer with full details being published in the forthcoming September edition of Freemasonry Today.
There is a Provincial Roll Out Team working to put together information and guidance sessions using a variety of delivery methods, including zoom meetings with support from UGLE and, as I write this, the first batches of the Level One Introductory Leaflets to the Updated Members Pathway are heading our way.
So what is new? Well, the updated Members Pathway is a lot more user-friendly with lots of interactive links and from what I have experienced so far it’s an exciting advance and will be more fun to use. The message is the same, that being that the Pathway offers lodges a planned approach to attracting, introducing and retaining new members.
We now have Solomon, which has been a great innovation for lodge mentors and any brother who wants to learn more about Freemasonry but, as you would expect, there has to be improvement and this is a giant step in that direction! So, if you are passionate about your Freemasonry and want to increase and retain your members as well as enjoy and communicate that enjoyment, then you really should get involved and make a real difference. “