Famous Motoring Freemasons No. 5

Our fifth graphic in the series depicting Freemasons who have had a major impact on the World of Motors is about Siegfried Bettman – the founder of Triumph based in Coventry. As a German settled in the UK over the First War, things were made difficult for Bro. Bettman, and he had to resign from many of his public posts.

These were first released as a social media campaign by Sir William Morris lodge and there are more to follow. . .

If you know anyone in Freemasonry who is interested in cars, do please point them in the direction of Sir William Morris Lodge, which will be consecrated on May 7th 2022. For more details, contact Chris Wagstaff – waggy@sirwilliammorrislodge.co.uk

Website link: www.sirwilliammorrislodge.co.uk