Companions, as you are now aware our plans to hold a small business meeting of PGC on Thursday 18th March 2021 at Cardinal House were scuppered once again due to the current lockdown restrictions imposed by H.M. Government. Yet, there is light at the end of the tunnel with the successful roll out of the Covid-19 vaccine.
It is now looking very likely that we will be able to hold our planned Provincial Grand Chapter meeting at The Heythrop Park Resort on Friday 3rd September 2021. We will invite the wives, partners and friends of Royal Arch Masons, as well as non-Royal Arch Masons into the Temple to join the Grand Superintendent who will recognize and congratulate the following members on their recent appointment or promotion in Supreme Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Chapter, as well as those members who received appointments or promotions in 2020. This will be followed by a white table dinner and dance. Please pencil this date into your diary.
We are also planning to hold a Tripartite meeting with the Provinces of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire at Cardinal House on Thursday 22nd July 2021 where we look forward to witnessing a Ceremony of Exaltation carried out with the Oxfordshire workings by the members of Alfred Chapter.
I am very much looking forward to the resumption of meetings in the ‘not too distant future’ and to seeing as many of you as possible around the Province.
Sincerely and fraternally
Andy O’Sullivan
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra