For the past seven years the Freemasons of Oxfordshire, with support of Lodges and Brethren, have paid for 600 disabled, sick or disadvantaged children, along with their parents and siblings to attend a memorable pantomime, giving the children a real treat and a chance for the parents/carers to relax with their family.
However this year’s pantomime at the Playhouse Theatre, Oxford is cancelled, but we thought we should still try and do something for the children. So we are going to give 600 children from Special Needs Schools, the Oxford Children’s Hospital and Helen & Douglas House Hospice a goody bag each containing a 10″ Teddy Bear, Chocolate buttons and other goodies. So your support is still required and next year we hope to do more for these children.
We hope you agree with this action, because it’s so disappointing not to have our yearly pantomime.
The main way we fund the pantomime is through the Pantomime Project Game, members pay £1 a week with the chance of winning £30 a week. There are some lucky numbers available and are available to brethren and family members, please do support the project by contacting
Roger Hampshire
Secretary Pantomime Project