Oxfordshire 2022 MCF Festival Update

Brethren, as we start to slowly return to our meetings, we now need to refocus on our Festival and ensure that the last 15 months are used productively to raise funds. To date £775k has been donated; it would be nice to achieve £1 million.

In the next week or two, you will be receiving a booklet through the post outlining where we are with the festival, what has been raised and where funds have been spent to improve lives. Please take the time to read through the information to see where your money has been spent and what you can do to support the appeal.

The emphasis, as always, is to support local & national charities as well as our members and their families. Please help support the Festival so that the MCF can support us.

You may like to visit the Oxfordshire 2022 MCF Festival page at https://mcf.org.uk/festivals/oxford

Should you have questions, require support or guidance please feel free to contact either me or our Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W. Bro Andrew Keech.

  Graham Ellis dpgm@oxfordshirefreemasons.org                                                                            

  Andrew Keech charity@oxfordshirefreemasons.org

Brethren, I look forward to seeing many of you soon.  I sincerely thank you for your support.

Stay safe.   

V. W. Bro. Bro Graham Ellis 

Deputy Provincial Grandmaster & Festival Chairman